Welsh hovel

342 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - the last 2022 jam slips away

I made a stack of jams last year: strawberry, blackcurrant, gooseberry, damson and marrow & ginger. And now we are down to the last jar. The fruit trees and bushes are looking good for this year and the strawberry crop is going to be absolutely enormous. But we are now down to our last pot of jam, as you can see below.


449 days ago

Photo Article: Joshua wins the ray of sunshine cup

I worry a bit that this is a bit of “all must have prizes” as this cup is awarded once a week and there are only about 65 kids in Joshua’s school. But, what with the lomg holiday’s teachers enjoy and all those Inset days perhaps I worry too much. Anyhow being called out in assembly last Friday to receive this cup, which is for adademic progress and being a pleasure to be at school with, made my son very happy and proud. He was, I’m told, a bit shy about going up to get the cup but he has had a wide grin of happiness and pride all weekend.


550 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: The apple harvest continues but the end is in sight

I gather that in England drought orders are set to remain in 2023 but here in North Wales there is no shortage of water. As you might gather from the picture below, the River Dee is rising and the rain is still beating down. There is now a small stream running down the lane to the hovel and through the farmyard towards the river. It is my apple orchard, the older of the two, which sits on the river bank and will be the first to be flooded if the water rises by another five foot or so which it might well do.


583 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - Apple Juice Production Line

For some reason, I am snowed under with apples from the orchard by the river Dee this year. This week I brought in two 25 litre buckets of apples. I could easily bring in another twenty if I had the time and energy to process them all and enough bottles to store the juice in.


835 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh hovel - 88 home cured olives from the Greek hovel

All bar three of the c250 olive trees at the Greek Hovel produce the tiny pea, or two pea, sized fruit used only for crushing and turning into oil. Three of the trees produce larger, edible fruit.


1058 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - hey presto Elderflower Cordial

I need 200ml of the stuff to make elderflower ice cream so on Saturday I went picking elderflower, wading through grass, nettles and weeds in the top meadow which are almost as tall as me, in order to get to the bush by the churchard. Twenty five heads went into a pot with the zest from four lemons onto which I poured 1.5 litres of boiling water and left it to stand overnight, under a tea towel.


1107 days ago

The 30 most read articles in almost nine years as TomWinnifrith.com reaches a landmark of 3 million page views

Okay that is not a huge number. Despite being behind a paywall my main site, www.ShareProphets.com has achieved almost ten times as many reads in one fewer year. But some might be surprised that my ramblings on rebuilding and living in hovels in Greece and Wales, on life on both, on politics, on jokes and on all sorts of other matters, mainstream and obscure, get any readers at all. So this is a modest landmark. When this website started it was therapy for me at a very difficult time in my life and I’d be lucky to get 30 page impressions in a day. 


1236 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Cat in a box

The Mrs thinks that when boxes are emptied of Christmas presents, they should be thrown away or just plausibly used for lighting the woodburning stove. Not that she has done that once. But the cats and I know what boxes are really for.


1788 days ago

Photo Article: Flood Report from the Welsh Hovel - the Bridge to England

I have not reported for a couple of days and I am glad to say that the waters are now receeding here at the Welsh Hovel. They have left our garden and the levels in the Orchard are down by a good foot and a half. The photos below are from Thursday and are from the area around the bridge I cross each nursery day walking Joshua off to “borstal” in England.
